
Einführung Digitalmultimeter Zubehör Tastköpfe Keysight 11059A Kelvin probe set

Keysight 11059A Kelvin probe set

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Keysight 11059A Kelvin probe set

  • Maximum voltage: 42 V
  • Termination: 5 single banana plugs (4-wire measurements plus ground)
  • Length: cable is 0.8 meters (31.5 inches)
  •   Detaillierte Informationen

(exkl. MwSt.) € 235,71
Preis inkl. MwSt. € 282,85
Verfügbarkeit des Produkts 7 Wochen
Produktnummer 11059A

Garantie 36 Monate

Detailbeschreibung Keysight 11059A Kelvin probe set

The Keysight kelvin probe set consists of two gold-plated flat tweezers with special gripping surfaces. This design assures a very precise contact to the component and very precise measurements. The ground guard connector removes ground-related errors. The gold plating helps to reduce the contact resistance between the surfaces of the test probe and the lead of the component being measured - reducing overall error!


The Keysight 11059A is compatible with the Keysight 34460A, 34461A, 34401A, 3458A, 34410A and 34411A digital multimeters. 

  • Maximum voltage: 42 V
  • Termination: 5 single banana plugs (4-wire measurements plus ground)
  • Length: cable is 0.8 meters (31.5 inches)

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