
Einführung Oszilloskope Pico Technology USB Oszilloskope PicoScope 6000 PicoScope 6428E-D 3 GHz, 4 channel oscilloscope

PicoScope 6428E-D 3 GHz, 4 channel oscilloscope

Kostenlose Lieferung

PicoScope 6428E-D 3 GHz, 4 channel oscilloscope

  • 8/10/12bit resolution
  • 3 GHz bandwidth
  • A choice of 4 (up to 3 GHz) or 8 (up to 500 MHz) analog channels
  • 200 ms capture time at 5 GS/s
  • Up to 4 GS capture memory
  • 300 000 waveforms per second update rate
  • 38 serial protocol decoder/analyzers included
  • Free PicoScope 6 and PicoSDK software
  • High-resolution time-stamping of waveforms
  • 8-bit to 12-bit FlexRes® ADC
  • Up to 10 GS/s
  • Advanced triggers: edge, window, pulse width, window pulse width, level dropout, window dropout, interval, runt, rise/fall time and logic

More detailed specifications and dimensions of available models are specified in data sheet. Detaillierte Informationen

(exkl. MwSt.) € 18 774,35
Preis inkl. MwSt. € 22 529,22
Verfügbarkeit des Produkts Auf Anfrage
Produktnummer PT_PQ344

Garantie 60 Monate

Detailbeschreibung PicoScope 6428E-D 3 GHz, 4 channel oscilloscope

The PicoScope 6000E Series fixed-resolution and FlexRes oscilloscopes provide 8 to 12 bits of vertical resolution, 1 GHz bandwidth and 5 GS/s sampling rate, and now includes the four-channel PicoScope 6428E-D which offers 3 GHz bandwidth and 10 GS/s maximum sampling rate.

Models with four or eight analog channels have the timing and amplitude resolution you need to reveal critical signal integrity issues such as timing errors, glitches, dropouts, crosstalk and metastability issues.

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