
Einführung DC Netzteile Keysight DC Netzteile Keysight U8032A DC power supply, low-cost. 60V/3A, 375 W

Keysight U8032A DC power supply, low-cost. 60V/3A, 375 W

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Keysight U8032A DC power supply, low-cost. 60V/3A, 375 W

Unrivaled performance with excellent output noise and load regulation

  • Excellent load and line regulation (CV: < 0.01% + 2 mV; CC: <0.02% + 2 mA)
  • Fast transient response < 50 µsec
  • Low output noise ≤ 1 mVrms (0.5 mVrms typical) and ≤ 1 mArms from 20 Hz to 20 MHz

Added safety features- with OVP, OCP and physical lock mechanism

  • Fully integrated OVP and OCP 
  • Keypad lock feature
  • Physical lock mechanism 

Differentiated features-allowing you to work better

  • Dual display shows both voltage and current reading
  • Auto-tracking between output 1 and output 2 with a single control
  • Multiple channels that can be individually/simultaneously controlled 
  • Output sequencing function automates your test without the need for coding
  •   Detaillierte Informationen

(exkl. MwSt.) € 2 298,90
Preis inkl. MwSt. € 2 758,68
Verfügbarkeit des Produkts 7 Wochen
Produktnummer U8032A

Garantie 36 Monate

Detailbeschreibung Keysight U8032A DC power supply, low-cost. 60V/3A, 375 W

Higher Power. Better Reliability. Unrivaled Performance.


Keysight now extends its range of basic DC power supplies to offer 375 watt power range, making it an ideal power source alternative in electronics manufacturing, research and development as well as the education sector. The U8032A, basic DC power supply, is a manual triple-output power supply with sequencing capability. With this function, users can generate output sequences with minimal programming skills. Each power supply is also built with excellent load regulation and clean output noise for continued stability. With these and many other features, you get a solid and reliable triple-output power supply at an unsurpassed performance.

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Videos und Dateien zum Herunterladen Keysight U8032A DC power supply, low-cost. 60V/3A, 375 W

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