
Einführung Digitalmultimeter Zubehör Tastköpfe Keysight U1182A Surface probe, industrial

Keysight U1182A Surface probe, industrial

Kostenlose Lieferung

Keysight U1182A Surface probe, industrial

(exkl. MwSt.) € 278,39
Preis inkl. MwSt. € 334,07
Verfügbarkeit des Produkts 7 Wochen
Produktnummer U1182A

Garantie 36 Monate

Detailbeschreibung Keysight U1182A Surface probe, industrial

The temperature probe measures still surface temperature within the range of -50°C to 400°C. U1182A is used together with the U1586B temperature module. U1182A is compatible with the following handheld devices:

  • Handheld Clamp Meter – U1212A, U1213A
  • Handheld DMM – U1241A, U1241B, U1242A, U1242B, U1251A, U1252B, U1253A, U1253B, U1271A, U1272A
  • Handheld Scope – U1602A, U1602B, U1604A, U1604B
  • Handheld Calibrator – U1401A, U1401B

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