
Einführung DC Netzteile Keysight DC Netzteile Keysight E3632A DC power supply. Single output, dual range: 0-15V, 7A; 0-30V, 4A 105/120W. GPIB

Keysight E3632A DC power supply. Single output, dual range: 0-15V, 7A; 0-30V, 4A 105/120W. GPIB

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Keysight E3632A DC power supply. Single output, dual range: 0-15V, 7A; 0-30V, 4A  105/120W. GPIB

Output ratings

  • Range 1: 0 to 15 V, 7 A
  • Range 2: 0 to 30 V, 4 A

Programming accuracy at 25°C ±5°C

  • Voltage: 0.05% + 10 mV
  • Current: 0.2% +10 mA

Ripple & noise (20 Hz to 20 MHz)

  • Normal-mode voltage: <350 µVrms/2 mVpp
  • Normal-mode current: <2 mA rms
  • Common-mode current: <1.5 µA rms

Readback accuracy at 25°C ±5°C

  • Voltage: 0.05% + 5 mV
  • Current: 0.15% + 5 mA

(exkl. MwSt.) € 1 547,15
Preis inkl. MwSt. € 1 856,58
Verfügbarkeit des Produkts 7 Wochen
Produktnummer E3632A

Garantie 36 Monate

Detailbeschreibung Keysight E3632A DC power supply. Single output, dual range: 0-15V, 7A; 0-30V, 4A 105/120W. GPIB

Keysight basic DC power supplies offer essential features for a tight budget. The single output, 120-200 W, GPIB, E3632A-E3634A provide dual range outputs; small, compact size for bench use; low output ripple and noise; as well as built-in measurements and basic programmable features with GPIB and RS232 interface. The Keysight 120W, GPIB, single output E3632A is a high performance supply optimized for manual and basic automated testing; and, with a combination of benchtop capabilities and system features, it is designed to help improve measurement quality and reduce test time.


Automate and perform data analysis on your test system easily with Keysight VEE Pro

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Videos und Dateien zum Herunterladen Keysight E3632A DC power supply. Single output, dual range: 0-15V, 7A; 0-30V, 4A 105/120W. GPIB

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