
Einführung Oszilloskope Keysight Oszilloskope InfiniiVision 3000 X-Serie Keysight D3000USBB USB Analysis Software for 3000 X-Series

Keysight D3000USBB USB Analysis Software for 3000 X-Series

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Keysight D3000USBB USB Analysis Software for 3000 X-Series

  • The USB Software Package for Keysight’s InfiniiVision oscilloscopes enables USB 2.0 low-, full-, and hi-speed protocol triggering and decode, as well as USB PD (Power Delivery) trigger and decode. This package also enables other advanced analysis capabilities including USB 2.0 automated signal quality testing, jitter analysis, mask testing, and frequency response analysis (Bode plots) to help test and debug high-speed digital signals, such as USB 2.0.
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(exkl. MwSt.) € 1 629,60
Preis inkl. MwSt. € 1 955,52
Verfügbarkeit des Produkts 4 Wochen
Produktnummer D3000USBB

Garantie 36 Monate

Detailbeschreibung Keysight D3000USBB USB Analysis Software for 3000 X-Series

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