
Einführung Oszilloskope Keysight Oszilloskope InfiniiVision 3000 X-Serie Keysight D3000PWRB Power Supply Test Software for 3000 X-Series

Keysight D3000PWRB Power Supply Test Software for 3000 X-Series

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Keysight D3000PWRB Power Supply Test Software for 3000 X-Series

  • The Power Software Package for Keysight’s InfiniiVision oscilloscopes enables a broad range of automated power supply characterization measurements including critical frequency response measurements such as power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) and control loop response. This package also enables hardware-based pass/fail mask testing and USB PD triggering and decode.
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(exkl. MwSt.) € 1 629,60
Preis inkl. MwSt. € 1 955,52
Verfügbarkeit des Produkts Auf Anfrage
Produktnummer D3000PWRB

Garantie 36 Monate

Detailbeschreibung Keysight D3000PWRB Power Supply Test Software for 3000 X-Series

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