
Einführung Oszilloskope Keysight Oszilloskope InfiniiVision 1000 X-Serie Keysight D1202BW1A Bandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 100 MHz, for DSOX1202X, hardware enabled functional

Keysight D1202BW1A Bandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 100 MHz, for DSOX1202X, hardware enabled functional

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Keysight D1202BW1A Bandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 100 MHz, for DSOX1202X, hardware enabled functional

  • Protect your investment with the ability to increase your oscilloscope bandwidth from 70 to 100 MHz as your needs change
  • Bandwidth upgrade applies to DSOX1202A and DSOX1202G oscilloscope models only
  •   Detaillierte Informationen

(exkl. MwSt.) € 284,21
Preis inkl. MwSt. € 341,05
Verfügbarkeit des Produkts 4 Wochen
Produktnummer D1202BW1A

Garantie 36 Monate

Detailbeschreibung Keysight D1202BW1A Bandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 100 MHz, for DSOX1202X, hardware enabled functional

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Videos und Dateien zum Herunterladen Keysight D1202BW1A Bandwidth upgrade, 70 MHz to 100 MHz, for DSOX1202X, hardware enabled functional

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