
Einführung DC Netzteile Elektro-Automatik IF-AB-PNET2P - Profinet-IO 2 Port Interface

Elektro-Automatik IF-AB-PNET2P - Profinet-IO 2 Port Interface

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Elektro-Automatik IF-AB-PNET2P - Profinet-IO 2 Port Interface

  • Siple installation - plug´n´play
  • Retrofittable and exchangeable by the user
  • Easy configuration via setup menu on the device
  • Galvanic isolation up to 2500 V
  • Detaillierte Informationen

(exkl. MwSt.) € 562,60
Preis inkl. MwSt. € 675,12
Verfügbarkeit des Produkts Auf Anfrage
Produktnummer EA_IF_AB_PNET2P

Garantie 24 Monate

Detailbeschreibung Elektro-Automatik IF-AB-PNET2P - Profinet-IO 2 Port Interface

Series EA IF-AB offers a set of pluggable, digital interface modules for all series released since 2012 which features a module slot, as well as upcoming series of programmable power supplies or electronic loads which also feature that slot.

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