
Einführung Funktionsgeneratoren Aim-TTi Funktions-/Arbiträr- und Pulsgeneratoren AIM-TTI_TGF4162 Dual Channel Arbitrary Function Generator 160 MHz

AIM-TTI_TGF4162 Dual Channel Arbitrary Function Generator 160 MHz

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AIM-TTI_TGF4162 Dual Channel Arbitrary Function Generator 160 MHz

  • 0.001mHz to 160 MHz sine frequency range
  • High sine wave purity with low phase noise and jitter, audio band THD down to 0.05%
  • Square waves up to 100MHz with variable duty cycle, edge speeds down to 3ns
  • Resolution of up to 15 digits or 1µHz, high stability TCXO timebase
  • Two identical channels - independent or linked with coupled and tracking modes
  • Inter-channel phase offset of -3600 to +3600 with 0.0010 resolution
  • 1 mHz to up to 100 MHz Pulse generation with 100 ps width resolution, <30ps jitter, and independently variable rise/fall times
  • Wideband noise generator with up to 100 MHz noise bandwidth
  • Arbitrary waveforms of 16-bits / 800 MSa/s
  • Waveform Manager Plus for Windows, editing software included
  • Front USB host socket for waveform storage and file transfers using Flash drives
  • Modulation frequencies up to 10MHz internal and 5MHz external
  • Bi-directional linear and logarithmic sweep using internal or external triggering
  • Programmable via USB and LAN (LXI) interfaces; GPIB optional
  • Detaillierte Informationen

(exkl. MwSt.) € 1 356,06
Preis inkl. MwSt. € 1 627,27
Verfügbarkeit des Produkts Auf Anfrage
Produktnummer AIM-TTI_TGF4162

Garantie 36 Monate

Detailbeschreibung AIM-TTI_TGF4162 Dual Channel Arbitrary Function Generator 160 MHz

The TGF4000 series of function/arbitrary generators offers signal generation capability up to 240 MHz on two identical full performance channels that can operate independently or in coupled or tracking modes. Precise channel to channel phase control with a resolution of 0.001° is provided.

A wide range of built-in waveforms is included and custom arbitrary waveforms can be used at sample speeds up to 800 MS/s and replay rates up to 80 MHz. PC based arbitrary waveform generation and editing software is provided.

High resolution, low jitter pulses can be generated up to 100MHz as can wide bandwidth white noise. A extensive array of modulations is provided using internal and external sources. Gated, burst and sweep modes can use internal or external trigger sources. Remote control via USB and LXI compliant LAN (standard) can be supplemented by optional GPIB if required.

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